RE: Babies
I was invited to attend a talk organised by Babysmart today:-
The talk included 5 speakers - Dr Wei of Meggpower, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr Suresh Nair , Embryologist Angela Ho, Dietitian Jaclyn Reutens and Nina Adams National Operations Manager of Fitness First.
Pertinent points learnt:
It is important that people, (singles or couples) who intend to have children, should be preparing themselves
a) biologically - i.e. eating right, not taking too much alcohol (for men and women), cutting down on caffeine, maintaining cardiovascular fitness, strengthening the back and pelvic floor (for women), strengthening the upper body to prepare for carrying the baby etc
b) psychologically - enhancing bonding between partners
c) socially -
Pre-conception, which takes a minimum of 3 months to adjust for sperm count and quality improvements, is as important as teaching couples how to make babies.
To all my dear friends who are trying to conceive, sms or call me - I will link you up with the relevant people and places :-)