Lest you think I'm French, here're some photos which serve as a tutorial in making Ayam Buah Keluak, a quintessentially Peranakan dish, which takes hours to make properly from scratch.
1. Soak the Buah Keluak for at least 3 days with regular change of water in between, remembering to brush the nuts clean of dirt.
2. Use a chisel and hammer to create a hole in the rectangular base of the nut so that (a) it doesn't shatter (b) the hole is big enough for you to scoop out the contents, mix the contents with marinated pork and (c) big enough for you to put the stuffing back in.
3. Fry the rempah that you have pounded till it is fragrant and the oil oozes out.
4. Fry the chicken and/or pork in the rempah till partially cooked, then add
5. the tamarind juice that you have prepared
6. add the stuffed Buah Keluak nuts and
7. simmer till the dish is cooked.